Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Spare eyeglasses birds (Zosteropidae) includes a number of warbler (Passeriformes) tend to be small in the tropics of the Old World (including Australasia). Genus Zosterops pencirinya is. The birds of this tribe are characterized by a circle of white around the eyes (from here the English name derived white-eye) or gray.

Many members are endemic to an island or islands, such as a new species discovered in 2007 in Togian Islands, Central Sulawesi.

Appearance of its members is "normal", there are no striking features, except for a circle line around the eyes. Circular wings and has a strong leg. Small in size, up to 15cm long. Gray coat color is usually green, but there are species which have the feathers of the neck and belly are white or yellow. All members are happy as a group, flying in a flock. In the breeding season, they build nests in trees with 2-4 pale blue eggs grains. The main menu of insects and small fruits, and nectar. In Australia and some have become pests in the vineyards because it was perched on the stalks and wounding plant.

Tips on choosing pleci:

body length and large
his eye circles tebel
no defects
beak thick and long


1.Jaga clean cage / cage
2.Mandikan morning / afternoon by way of the spray or splash of water to provide a bird bath.
Kroto 3.Kasih eat 1/4 tablespoon / day
4.Buah fruits like papaya and banana

Females and Males differences:

1.Pleci Males have thicker eye circles and sharp
Males 2.Pleci green color more sharply
3.Bisa also viewed the cloaca / anus in a way that is more prominent in the inflatable means manly.

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