Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Know The Types of Arowana Dragon Fish

Know The Types of Arowana Dragon Fish
Arowana fish (Scleropages formosus), an endangered species of fish belonging to Indonesia with the native habitat in Kalimantan and Papua. Arowana fish locally known by various names such as: Dragon Fish, Barramundi, Saratoga, Pla Tapad, indolent, Siluk, Heaven, peyang, Tangkeleso, Aruwana / Arowana, belongs to a group of primitive fish that evolved more than 10 million years.This fish has a distinctive body shape, memorable and a bit arrogant handsome, is equipped with a tentacle in her mouth and large scales with a harmonious arrangement, making the beauty of this fish is very prominent. These fish swim peacefully so that if placed in the aquarium will make it really does look as graceful fish. These fish jug dubbed aka dragon fish dragon fish. This fish fossil found in various places and thought between the ages of 10-60 million years (depending on species and location). Arowana is classified in the family Osteoglosidae, has a characteristic elongated body, anal fin is located far behind the body.

Arowana Fish HabitatThis fish habitat on the banks of the river is overgrown with trees such as tree engkana, putat, Rasau, and entangis, where the trees have roots in the bottom of the river with trees in the water, but the lush leaves upward. In habitats such as these are arowana fish, breed, and hide.
Types of Arowana FishA. Super Red

Super Red came from various places in West Kalimantan Province, as of the Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum known as the habitat of the Super Red (Chili and Blood Red). These waters is an area of ​​peat swamp forest which creates a primitive environment for these ancient fish. But the conditions of mineral, water environment peat (black water), and an adequate amount of food reserves has conditioned a good influence on the evolution of color on the fish in question. Geographical influence also led to the creation of different variations of the morphology of these fish, such as a wider body, the head of a spoon-shaped, red warnah more intensive, and more intense primary colors.Full red color seen in young fish fins, on the lips and tentacles. Adulthood, the red color will appear in various parts of the body, especially on the gill cover and the edges of scales, so that the fish looks red.Red arowana are grouped in four varieties, namely Red Blood (Blood Red), Red Chili (Chili Red), Red Orange (Orange Red), and Red Gold (Golden Red). These four varieties are generally given the nickname Super Red or Red Grade One (First Grade Red), although at the super red refers to the Red Chilli and Red Blood. While the last two varieties are more often considered as a super red with a lower grade.Differences between varieties of red peppers and red blood is described in the following table:

Chili Red Arowana
Blood Red ArowanaLike the color display of red chili pepper red as bloodPhysical form of the body shape is wider, spoon-shaped head is longer and more slenderThe width of the body is relatively fixed to the base of the tail before, the frame is thicker scales that gradually narrowsMala color red eyes and wide that his eyes seemed to touch the edge of the head b PART lower jaw and eyes whiter and smallerLike the diamond tail shape (diamond) As a fanColor at a young age tend to have a green base color with metallic luster sheen yan g of concentrated have weaker and tend to be similar to the RTG young, more rounded body shapeFaster Slower Growth
Physical morphological features both types are already visible while still young so it can be used as a guide in distinguishing the two variteas.The development of color between Red Chilli and Red Blood also known to differ. The time difference in the achievement of a full red color is 1-2 years. But both varieties through the stages of development that is relatively the same color through orange color transitions. Some have a pale red arowana up to 8 years, and then turned into a full red within 1 month. Predicting the potential for red arowana requires patience and effort are derived from experience and patience.Red varieties of Orange (Orange Red) is one of the common varieties. At the time of her adult scales show the color orange. Compared with Chilli Red and Blood Red, fins and tail are not as red as the two varieties.Red Gold (Golden Red) is a variety of other colors which are common in addition to red orange (Orange Red). This variety is a variety with the lowest grade. As an adult body color is golden yellow. Lip color and the fins are not as red as Super Red, but pink or pink.

2. Golden (Cross Back, Cross Back Golden, CBG)

Golden variety is part of the cross back golden arowana varieties. This variety is found in various places in Malaysia, such as Silver, Trengganu, Bukit Merah Lake and Johor. Therefore, they are often given nicknames according to their places of origin, such as the Golden Pahang, Malaysian Bukit Merah Blue or Gold. Calledas a cross back, because these varieties have a golden color when fully mature until the pass back. This variety is more expensive the price is relatively high compared to most other even as it includes rare.CBG is divided into several classes based on the basic color scales, the Purple-Based (basic color purple), Blue-Based (blue base color), Based Gold (gold base color), and Silver-Based (silver base color). Gold Arowana with a base color of gold is known to achieve full color at a younger age than other varieties.

3. Golden Red (Red Tail Golden, RTG).

Is verietas of golden Arowana and often referred to as the Golden Arowana Indonesia (Indonesian Golden Arowana). This variety is found in the Quezon area, Sumatra. Unlike the Cross Back Golden (CBG), the gold color on this verietas will not grow up through the back but it will only reach the line to four scales (counted from the bottom row of scales, abdomen), or better able to reach the fifth row. Just as verietas cross back, basic color scales can RTG blue, green, or gold. Similarly, lip color, tail, and fins, these two varieties have a very similar keragaan. Young RTG has a color more dull than the varieties of young cross back.RTG may be said to be more resilient than the CBG can grow larger, and also more aggressive. The numbers in the relatively more than the CBG, nevertheless remains a CITES protected varieties.CBG glance similar to the red golden arowana fish that come from our country. A very noticeable difference can be seen if the size of the fish is quite large with a size of 20 cm more. At CBG gold color covers the whole body down to the fish's back is covered by a golden ring. While the golden red (RTG) was not back. golden colored but still black (gray).Distinguish CBG and RTG on the small size (10-12 cm) is difficult and necessary prudence. The price difference is also very striking. 12 cm size CBG prices appreciated more than 10 million, the size range 20-25 cm 15-25 million. Golden red measuring 12 cm valued 2 million, while the size of 20-25 cm valued 2.5-3.5 million.

4. Green Arowana (Green Arowana / Golden Pino)

Green Arowana found in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Komboja, and also at several places in Indonesia. Appearance and color variations can be found in each region. However in general we can say that in general, gray-green colored view of the pattern of dark stripes on the tail. Head and mouth are larger and more rounded than the other types of Asian Arowana.

5. Banjar RedBanjar Red Arowana can be said is a red variety known class 2 and is not a pure strain red arowana. Appearance is shown by the color of the fins are pale orange, orange or yellow colored tail, and has no red color on the body or on the cheek. At a glance Banjar Red Arowana young are very similar to the pink, so it is not uncommon to outwit the new hobbyists. Banjar is also characterized by a rounded head shape that tends to the mouth that is not too sharp. Another difference can be seen in the following table:

Banjar Red
Young Red ArowanaThe color of the color fin fins are younger tend to orange-red or pale. solid red on the entire surface evenlyYellow or greenish color scales GlossyFrame fins and gill cover or the old Pink as rust, after mature into orange or red There is no view like the Banjar
If not hesitate in choosing the arowana, take one who has experienced or buy arowana care arowana that has been certified and have a valid certificate.

6. Arowana Irian (jardini)

Color varieties of arowana owned is quite unique. Basic color is dark brown with flecks of golden kunign to in the middle of her scales, even in the head (cheek) to the tail fin and there were these yellow spots. Jardini come from Australia, though often found on the island of New Guinea. Thus the species is also sometimes referred to the arowana Irian by hobbies.Jardini arowana there are actually two kinds of colors, which foundation Arna w darker and lighter. Which has a darker base color is scleropqges jardini and that has a lighter base is scleropqges leichharti.

7. Araipama gigas

Arapaima gigas is the largest freshwater fish in the world. This arowana fish relatives, while adults can reach more than 3 meters long, weighing up to 200 kg.They include the fish that breathe by taking air from the atmosphere langsug (obligate water breather). Therefore, these fish have come to the surface every 5-20 minutes, depending on size. Young fish, usually appear on the surface every 5 minutes or so, while the adult fish appeared every 18-20 minutes.
Arapaima is found only in the Amazon and the river system Essequito. Just as in our arowana, they are included in the list of endangered species are protected if CITES, IUCN, and protected by law in Guyana.In their habitat, Arapaima is a source of food for community residents. As of December 2001, their population is estimated at less than 850 individuals in the area of ​​forest ecosystems Iwokara the Rupununi wetlands.
Arapaima have the "tongue" about 15 cm long when mature and betulang, rough surface and is often used by locals sabagai "sandpaper" or stingy to smooth the wood surface.At the time of the water environment of the fish is shrinking, and decreased oxygen levels, Arapaima will breathe air directly from the atmosphere,. And when the water dried neighborhood, he would form a spherical ball himself, and immerse yourself in a hole until the water comes back.8. Silver
Black Arowana 8.1Arowana Platinum 8.2Brazil Arowana or Silver Arowana is called has a different body shape. With a long body and long fins as well, starting from the center of the body to the tip of the tail gives the impression of a very graceful when swimming. Arowana can grow to 50-60 cm. This kind comes from South America, but now can be in flower breeding in Indonesia. Indeed the price of the Arowana species are less expensive than the type jardini. But if this is a big arowana is very beautiful to the point of view.Later, word got out that this type already exists with platinum silver color (color resembles the color of platinum & silvernya evenly distributed throughout the body).
Common Arowana Disease FoundOne risk breed arowana fish are dying because of diseases such as Redspot, Mushrooms, Tail Bite, Stress etc.. Below are described some of the diseases that often affects Arwana symptoms and ways to overcome them.

A. Tail Bite DiseaseBefore suffering from this disease usually arowana will exhibit other than usual. Arowana will seem anxious to swim back and forth to and fro. A few days later the tail fin will be torn membranes that resemble the comb and the left is the radius of fins. Symptoms are initially small and will grow long and not infrequently part of the finger flippers will disappear.

The disease is usually caused by a parasite that attaches to the tail arowana and causing intolerable itching. Arowana endeavor to deal with how to swim to and fro and biting its tail so as to appear ragged.

Treatment of the disease is relatively easy. Transfer the Arowana into the other tank is clean (sterile) and are filled with water that meets the requirements. Put about 20 drops of medicine Tropical Fish Medicine and let the arowana stay in it for several days. Do not forget to clean the tank so that the arowana can only occupy the back without worrying about contracting again.

2. Curved lid GillsOften we see arowana gill cover curved out, so most visible gills. Arowana with such conditions is certainly unsightly. Arowana fish that died following a gill disease, characterized by fish gills turn black.

The cause of the disease vary, the first due to the quality of water in the tank that does not meet the standards, especially temperature. Tank is too cold or not warm to encourage arowana fish exposed to this disease. Another cause is the provision of drugs is too dose, a type of bacterial attack, or because of low water in the tank oxygen content. This can be explained because the water has a low oxygen content will llebih often make the arowana gills open and close. The movement is often imperfect. This means that before the gill cover is benarmenutup, the trigger is opened again to breathe deep water to meet the oxygen demands. Of this movement is not perfect then close the arowana gills remain open and his body is not normal.

To prevent him from keeping the oxygen content remains high in the water overcome by providing adequate aeration in the aquarium. If the aerator should be replaced with more power. Then do not forget to keep the overall water quality remains excellent, so it habitable by arowana.Arowana fish treatment techniques, one of which is with a sick fish clamped between two glass clamps in the bucket, and to supply pure oxygen directly towards the gills. If the gill cover of the curve is not too bad then it can be fixed by minor surgery on the edge of the gill cover.

3. Hunger strikeArowana are on a hunger strike too often given a centipede usually lives. They will be reluctant to accept other foods, as well as a dead centipede. If it's been like this then puasakan arowana for about a week should not be fed anything. Then give other types of food such as crickets, lizards, small frogs or small fish. If after a week of arowana should not also eat live fish seiakan because survival. Please note in order to keep arowana should be selected not squint like guppy fish surface dwellers. Thus we do not have to worry about and the arowana were able to return to normal. If the way is still not give the results then we leave it alone until the Arowana will accept the food.

Another alternative is to provide a drug Fishes hobbies into 200 liters of water are often used to place arowana resides. Capsule-shaped drug is efficacious for the cure of stress and various diseases and to stimulate appetite arowana. The final choice once a week give Intermittent centipede with other foods.

4. Strabismus Eye DiseaseDisease was caused by many things. Too often arowana fish hunt or fish in the bottom corner of the aquarium is considered as one of the main causes. Certainly not excessive if there is advice to feed the arowana float with it. Arowana too often see small fish below it causes eye muscles to grow long.

Drooping eye can also be caused due to lack arowana get enough sunlight. This may be attributed to the efficacy of sunlight on the growth of the human eye.

To treat crossed eyes can be done by moving the arowana in a more broad and direct sunlight while being fed a float. place that can be selected from fiberglass tub or cement tanks. In this way it will recover 80% of arowana. Another way is to perform minor surgery.

5. Anal red fish and SwellingIf we look at the rectum and swollen red arowana do not think that they are in heat. That's a sign that the arowana are difficulties, which can lead to death.

Anal arowana red and swollen due to the provision of food that is not clean. As a result of fish digestive trouble getting distracted so Arowana excretion.

To prevent the food must be cleaned before it is given to the arowana. Whatever kind of food should be given life first fasted for 1-2 days. Arowana are suffering from red and swollen anal bisaa treated with ammonium sulfate.

6. Standing scalesScales up and sometimes there are some of the rot is usually caused by a dirty environment. Routine replacement of water can keep arowana from this disease. For arowana is being seized with this disease may be ammonium sulfate as a cure.

7. Crooked SpineThis disease can be caused by several things. First because of the attack bacteria enter the body resulting in growth of arowana not back to normal. Another cause is due to errors in giving medication. Final cause is due to the size of the aquarium is too small.

To prevent this place awuarium arowana into a size sufficient. Keep the tank clean for arowana is not plagued by bacteria and do not give the wrong drug.

8. Broken tailJust like a crooked spine disease is disease caused by the size of the aquarium that is too narrow. In addition it could be due to poor handling. For example, at the time of rebellion or arowana moved when he first entered into the aquarium to swim fast and they collided. Because the cause is more due to technical factors then have to be careful handling.

9. Tentacle grows shortArowana are not fully grown mustache and looks awkward with a great body shape. Arowana murmur can occur because a draw is not placed in the tank is too small. Almost similar to the cause of his back bent, arowana short murmur can be caused by medication errors.

To obtain the normal growth of whiskers can be done by cleaning the tank regularly and replace the water. Do not forget, place the Arowana in the aquarium is worth the huge loss.

10. Tails and fins to shrinkTail and fins are shrinking can occur when water in the aquarium water temperature is too dirty or too low. Handler to re-regulate the heat by adding a heater and clean the aquarium. It could also be given medicine to taste ammonium sulfate.

11. Tentacle protrudes into the LowerA healthy arowana has the look of the next tentacle. But often grumbled limp arowana, protrudes downward. This is a sign of arowana is in an improper environment. To restore the original condition of arowana such as temperature and hygiene should be emphasized aquarium water.12. Misty EyesMisty eyes or "Clear Eye" is characterized by bleaching the fish cornea. The outer surface of the eye appear coated by a thin layer of white.Generally these symptoms are caused by deteriorating water quality conditions, particularly as a result of rising levels of ammonia in water. If symptoms occur misty eyes, Mecca thing to suspect is the condition of water beforehand. Correction parameter in accordance with the purposes of water until the fish is concerned. If these symptoms occur, while the parameters of water in normal circumstances, there is the possibility of these symptoms are caused by something else.Some things that can lead to a foggy eyes are:- Secondary infection, following the occurrence of physical damage to the eye.- Excessive mucus production, usually as a result of the protozoan parasite infestation reaction (skin mucous membrane disease); the deteriorating water quality (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate), pH values ​​are not appropriate; poisoning (chlorine / kloramin), or due to the provision of behavioral treatment is not appropriate.- Diplostomum (eye fluke). In this case the white of the eye is the lens, not the outer surface of the eye.- Infeksti external bacteria- Lack of vitamins, especially vitamin A, B, and C.Misty eye symptoms can also be accompanied by Exophtahlmia (Pop Eye / Eye prominent), malaise, or irritation.Treatment and recovery misty eyes should refer to the causes that create them. Therefore, look carefully and try to identification of possible causes before making any recovery action.

Arowana Care Tips In AquariumA. Note the aquarium equipmentSuccess of the aquarium into a comfortable place for arowana fish, was influenced by the completeness of the support facilities.- AeratorAerator or air pump function is to supply air into the aquarium water, and simultaneously vaporize or encourage the burning remnants out of the aquarium. Aerator said to be good, if a small electrical current is moving, but relatively large air ditiupkannya.- Heater & ThermometerHeater (heater) is needed, especially at the aquarium water temperature dropped drastically. While the water temperature control equipment or thermometer was also installed in the aquarium. In cold areas, heater and thermometer is needed.- FilterFilter or filter function to filter the water in the aquarium. This work includes a filter to suck up water aquarium, filter, and back again into the tank in a clean condition.- Lamp TLThe presence of fluorescent lamp, in addition to emit light, could also enhance the appearance of the aquarium. But, lest the light beam TL actually generate heat in excess of needs. Ideally for an aquarium of 80 × 40 cm requires a powerful 20 watt fluorescent lamp.2. Diligent aquarium maintenanceI can not help if you already love arowana fish in the aquarium, diligent enough to care. For then, the appearance of the aquarium arowana looks healthy, fresh, and fun.FeedingArowana in the aquarium's main menu is a centipede. But do not constantly be centipede, should be varied with other foods. For example: shrimp, cockroaches, frogs, centipedes, lizards, and crickets.Control and replacement of waterEvery day is required to control water temperature and pH. The ideal water temperature for fish arowana about 25-27 degrees Celsius. If the temperature of cold water, immediately turn on the heater until the water temperature as required. While the desired pH of about 6 to 8.5. If the pH is too low, then add the lime into the aquarium. In addition, water sanitation should be noted also, please treat water aquarium with Malachite green, with a frequency of 3 weeks.And do not forget, also replaced the aquarium water. But the change of water dipilahkan into two, namely: (a) regular water changes every 2 days with a volume of 10% of the entire volume of the aquarium water, and (b) total water change every 3 months. If you use tap water, should be allowed 24 hours in advance to settle the content of chlorine, and after that can be incorporated into the aquarium.3. Interior of the aquariumLife in the aquarium is a replica of the environment in the wild. Therefore, it is necessary in the interior of the aquarium. This means demanding an appreciation of aesthetics, so the combination of graceful beauty of the aquarium with arowana fish can feel the coolness of a harmonious display.Water plantsGiven the origins of arowana fish that like to hide under water the plants, then we are ready to provide the plant in question. There are several types of aquatic plants to choose from include: Vallisneria spiral, Hidrilla verticillata, Riccia fluiutana, Higrophila polisperma, Pistia stratiotes, Najas indica, and so forth.Sand rockSand is used as the foundation laying of the rock. River sand should be used, which was mixed with humus. In addition, given also includes coral-rock and essays. Idéal berdia meter stone size of 3 mm. These rocks have a wide variety of patterns and colors but still beautiful

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