Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Arowana Fish Care Routine Tips:

Arowana Fish Care Routine Tips:
Arowana Routine care:Maintenance of Water:

Check the cleanliness of the filter media, including tapas, biofoam, zeolites, activated carbon
¼ Replace the water with new water and which has been deposited in the aeration (bubble delivery)
Fish droppings / feces from an aquarium
Discard the remaining fish feed from the aquarium which is not consumed
Perform periodic checks of water temperature of the aquarium with the water temperature in the shelter.
Provide aeration / air bubbles elbow on water reservoirs
Always clean the aquarium glass so it is not crusty and mossy
Check periodically all the aquarium equipment is still able to function properly (filter, aerator, aeration hose, power head, heater, aquarium lights, etc.)
Water maintenance tips:

The difference in water temperature with a water storage tank should not be too far exceed 1 ° C due to illness or stress mnyebabkan fish.
Add water slowly to the aquarium replacement should not be too heavy as it can cause fish stress.

Giving Fish Feed:

Arowana feeding may include crickets, centipedes, super worms (caterpillars german), freshwater shrimp, lizards, frogs, etc.
Feeding adapted to the size of arowana. Arowana can be given the size of 12-20 cm tail crickets 4-5 ff. If there is any doubt in the feed can contact the Proshop shelookREDterdekat.

Giving tips Feed:

Do not over-feeding arowana fish because it can cause loss of appetite or stress.
Cut the back legs of crickets before feeding to fish. Similarly, feed the other parts of the body which has always wasting sharply before feeding to the arowana.
Arowana feeding but more often it is highly recommended because then arowana always have the appetite.
Fish Health:

Observe fish behavior and physical, if there is a change from the previous as loss of appetite, withdrawal / passive, broken tail, rub the body to the bottom of the aquarium, fish color faded etc. please contact proshopshelookRED.
Do not let too long if the discovery of a disease. Do not try to correct yourself immediately contact proshopshelookRED for consultation and get a solution.
Give the drug at a dose of the nail in the treatment of fish diseases. Veterinarians from shelookRED will help provide solutions to customers.
Give multivitamins regularly fish the fish look healthy, active and optimal color intensity.
Treatment of Fish:

When the fish look sick P3K use heater with a temperature of 33 ° C max with the provision of salt fish gram/100 20 liters of water. So that the temperature can be well controlled aquarium needs to be added thermometer.
If the fish for 2 days getting worse keadaanya immediately contact the nearest shelookRED Proshop and have held soon on a visit call (terms and conditions apply.
Fish Health Tips:

Do not use the heater if the fish are not in a state hospital.
Always observe the temperature of the thermometer so that no more than 33 ° C.
When the temperature of the thermometer above 33 ° C reduce the heater temperature is slowly (an electric heater is removed) and do not loose heater suddenly as it can cause fish stress.
Not recommended to add new water to lower the temperature of the aquarium as it can cause pain and stress fish.
Exterior Maintenance Aquarium:

Always clean the aquarium glass with a soft cloth every day so that the outside does not look dull.
Cabinet aquarium of multiplex wood / teak wood in the dry state is always advisable to remember the type of wood is easily damaged if exposed to water too often.

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