Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shrink Pores Naturally !!

Skin pores are sensitive to all external factors from the impact of extreme weather conditions, heat as well as the use of inappropriate skin products and rituals.

These are some of the solutions to treat large pores:

Ice: Cleanse your face with a mild face wash. Then rub an ice cube wrapped in a towel over your face. Rubbing Cold ice constricts the facial muscles and shrink the pores temporarily. Then pat dry.

Lemon: You can then apply fresh lemon juice over your face,Lemon juice acts as an astringent which helps to close the pores.

Egg whites: they are not just skin-tighteners but also excellent pore-shrinkers. Beat an egg white. Add a tsp of lemon juice to it. Then apply it evenly over your face until it dries and tightens around the skin. Wash it off with a splash of cold water.

Tomato Juice: This natural ingredient is not only healthy but can do miracles also with your skin. Acting similarly to a toner, tomato juice when applied to the pores will tighten them and shrink them to the ideal size. Use a cotton ball to apply the lotion to your complexion. Leave the mask on for at least 18-20 minutes. Finally rinse it off with water.

Honey: Those who struggle with an oily complexion will be eager to adopt a similar ritual that requires no extra skills or expenses.

Mix 2-3 teaspoons of honey, then equal amount of lemon juice and a bit of sugar. Apply the mask to your complexion and massage it for a few minute. Leave the treatment on again for 4-5 minutes then wash it off with tepid water.

Sugar scrub: might also help with open pores. Combine a tsp each of olive oil, honey, lemon juice to a few sugar crystals and gently rub over your face. Wash with a splash of ice cold water.

Papaya, peach, pineapple and orange juices also have astringent properties. So using these on your face may be a good idea.


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