Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pretty and Fresh !!!

Lemon Facial Scrub
1 Part Sunkist lemon zest
1 Part powdered milk
2 Parts almond meal
1/2 Part fresh Sunkist lemon juice

Great for oily skin, this fragrant recipe will wake up a dull complexion with a zesty kick.

Strawberry Drawing Facial Mask
2 Cup fresh strawberries
1 Tablespoon fresh milk
1 Tablespoon rice flour or cornstarch

Mash together all ingredients to make a smooth paste. Spread over your face and neck, and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat your skin dry. Use twice weekly and watch the antioxidants magically reduce lines and smooth out your complexion.

Zesty Sugar Scrub
3/4 Cup of organic sugar
1/4 Cup fresh Sunkist grapefruit juice
1/4 Cup grapeseed oil
1 Tablespoon honey

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Apply to your hands by dipping a sliced grapefruit in the grapefruit sugar mixture. In addition to the massaging skin benefits, the grapefruit will also work to brighten nails. Follow the treatment with a luke-warm soaked wash cloth.

Sunkist Sugar Spa Scrub
2 Cups granulated sugar
2 Cups olive oil or almond oil
2 Tablespoons finely zested Sunkist lemon peel
2 Tablespoons finely zested Sunkist grapefruit peel

Blend all the ingredients together and massage onto wet hands or body for a full minute. Then rinse. Sugar acts as a natural exfoliant and humectant, while the citrus and oil are effective cleansers and skin brighteners

Avocado body mask
2 Avocados, thoroughly mashed into a paste
3 Tablespoons sea salt or kosher salt
1/4 Cup honey
Grated rind of two fresh lemons, along with the juice
1/4 Cup organic coconut oil

Mix all ingredients together until smooth and creamy. The consistency should be that of a thin sour cream. Apply to your skin for 10 to 15 minutes and then scrub off with warm water. This cooling scrub will help reduce wrinkles and signs of age. Keep unused portion in refrigerator for two to three days.

Grapefruit Foot Tonic
1 Gallon grapefruit juice (no pulp)
1 Sliced grapefruit (pink or yellow)
2 Limes (1 sliced in wheels, the other halved)
1/2 Cup granulated sugar
1 Shot glass vodka

This one is a bit more complicated, but you won't regret the effort. Follow these directions diligently, and find your dainty feet sexier than ever and as soft as feathers.

Pour 1/4 cup sugar into a small bowl and place lime half on top. Heat the grapefruit juice on the stove or in the microwave until warm, but not hot. Pour heated juice into a large basin, add shot of vodka, and garnish with sliced grapefruit and lime. Soak feet for a few minutes. Then, dip a lime half into the sugar and squeeze out a bit of the juice. Use lime to gently apply sugar to feet in a circular motion to exfoliate rough skin. Repeat with remaining sugar and the other lime half. Rinse well. Follow with lotion.

Banana and Lemon Foot Massage
1/2 Sunkist Lemon
2 Bananas
2 Tablespoons of fine sea salt
2 Tablespoons of grapeseed oil

Slice bananas into a bowl and mash. Add the juice of the lemon and the rest of the ingredients and mix together. Massage the mixture into your feet and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, dry thoroughly and apply lots of moisturizer. Now, relax. Ahh, there must be bananas in pedicure heaven.

Citrus Body Oil
1 Ounce jojoba oil
10 Drops grapefruit essential oil
5 Drops tangerine essential oil
2 Drops lemon essential oil

Mix ingredients together and store in an airtight container. This oily concoction cleanses and rejuvenates leaving you with porcelain skin fit for a princess. But be careful! The essential oils can cause sun sensitivity

Lemon Dandruff Treatment
3 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
½ Cup olive oil

Death to dandruff! Try this sour dish to fix those nasty flakes. Combine the ingredients and rub gently onto scalp. After 15 minutes, rinse, and then shampoo and condition as usual.


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